Our Story

We CREATE jewelry that is inspired by vintage Styles. using natural, hand-carved gemstones & precious metals, We Hand create each unique Collection to reflect quirk, charm & creativity.

Carmen Hoffert is an artist from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She began the journey of CARM.N as a celebration of Art and jewelry.

It all began when Carmen discovered the joy of stringing beads and gemstones as a little girl. She could lose herself in the delight of the colors and textures as she watched the designs she imagined take shape. The marriage of Art and jewelry began.

I Love unique pieces

with a story.

the brand feels like that, too - as if the Collections have always been here.

From those early days, CARM.N was seeded.

β€œArt and design are important in my world. Today I am many things: a mother, a friend, a partner, a Founder, a jewelry collector. Aspects of each experience are layered throughout the brand.”

We are a small team that is female founded and female led. We have a deep respect for the stones and the art of stone setting with fine materials.

Each hand carved stone is personally selected and each piece is hand-fabricated. Our Collections are not manufactured.  Hand-fabrication is a process by which the piece is handcrafted individually with care to the uniqueness of the stone and the raw materials.

The collections are inspired by Storytelling & Story Learning.

The Marie: Green Chalcedony

Designed With Love & Imagination.


No two pieces are identical.